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College Campus Sexual Assault - Title IX Violations

College Campus Sexual Assault - Title IX Violations

You Deserve To Be Heard

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Law Firm Representing Survivors of Sexual Assault in Civil Lawsuits

Sexual assault, abuse and misconduct are prevalent on college campuses across the country. College campus sexual assault can occur at parties, student housing, public and communal spaces, libraries or parking lots.
If you or a loved one is a survivor of sexual assault that occurred on a college or university campus, you have the right to be heard and to seek justice. At Grant & Eisenhofer P.A., our goal is to bring justice to sexual assault survivors. Our attorneys have the resources to help clients nationwide. An attorney with our firm can help you understand your potential legal options and if you are eligible to file a Title IX sexual assault claim.

Title IX Violations and Your Rights

When Congress passed Title IX in 1972, it was designed to protect women from being discriminated against in educational programs due to their gender, especially in college or university settings.
No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
Institutions of higher learning that receive federal funding are required by Title IX to adequately respond to complaints of sexual violence on campus. That protection extends to sexual assault, harassment, or any form of sexual misconduct.

Title IX Sexual Assault Claims

Many universities have a dedicated department staffed with employees to handle Title IX sexual misconduct claims, such as college rape, dating violence on campus, and sexual assault incidents. But that often is not enough. Students’ Title IX sexual assault claims often go unanswered, are poorly handled, or are not investigated in a timely manner. Survivors’ voices are drowned out by the institutions’ desire to preserve their reputations, by quieting the allegations and sweeping them under the rug. Suppressed allegations of Title IX violations have encouraged a “rape culture” on many campuses. This institutional betrayal leaves many survivors lost and let down, and leaves others less inclined to report sexual assault claims.

Contact Us Today to Discuss Your Potential Case

You are not alone. Many survivors of sexual assault on campus have sat silent and ashamed, alone and afraid. If you feel you have not been heard by your college or university, speak with an attorney experienced in Title IX proceedings. Your voice is important and deserves to be heard to bring justice and hold perpetrators accountable. Contact our law firm today. We want to hear from you.

Call us today for a confidential consultation.